Url https://islam.domains.uflib.ufl.edu/s/bf/item/3715 Resource class bibo:BookSection Title La Hamawiyya et les changements toponymiques au Burkina Publisher Karthala Date 2000 Type 15157 Identifier https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q113528013 Q113528013 Language 15152 Alternative Title 4428 Spatial Coverage 14391 Provenance 15572 List of authors 14692 List of editors 15314 15322 Doi https://doi.org/10.3917/kart.triau.2005.01.0249 10.3917/kart.triau.2005.01.0249 Isbn 978-2-84586-086-5 Page end 267 Page start 249 --