A Muslim Minority and the Use of Media: Charismatic Aesthetics of the Ahmadiyya in West Africa
The minority status of the Ahmadiyya is linked to the doctrine of this movement, described by some as heterodox, by others as non-Islamic, but also in connection to their minority demographics, whether in Burkina Faso, the country under scrutiny here, or within the overall Muslim population. The article examines the special case of the Ahmadiyya to answer general issues regarding the transnational expansion of Muslim minorities and their use of media in the struggle for recognition and participation in national public spheres. The description of the iconographic aesthetics of this Muslim missionary minority, in particular the use of the portraits of the charismatic leaders, is used to analyse the challenges of its self-representation towards the Muslim majority worldwide. The analysis of Ahmadiyya's iconographic discourse highlights that the charismatic aesthetics makes individuals sense the power of the caliphate in their intimacy. It also emphasises the tensions related to their mediatised selfrepresentation.
AQIM's Imperial Playbook: Understanding al-Qa'ida in the Islamic Maghreb's Expansion into West Africa
In 2021, the United Nations noted the newfound threats of the Group for Support of Islam and Muslims (JNIM), a branch of al-Qa`ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), that extended into Burkina Faso and the Ivory Coast, stretching farther yet into Ghana, Togo, and Benin. Had an observer in 2006 had this information presented to them, they might have scarcely believed it. That year, in which AQIM was formed, the group was a thoroughly North African organization and based primarily in Algeria. Fast forward 15 years, how did AQIM end up nearly 1,300 miles away, now posing immediate threats in the states of littoral West Africa?
Relying on a combination of primary source jihadi propaganda and historical research, this report argues that over the past 30 years, al-Qa`ida and its branches and allies in North and West Africa have followed what this report calls “al- Qa`ida's Imperial Playbook,” as they have sought to expand their areas of influence southward. Al-Qa`ida's “playbook,” this report shows, is composed of five fundamental tactics: befriending or creating militant groups operating in the midst of conflict; integrating themselves into communities where those militants exist; exploiting grievances of those communities to gain sympathy; addressing internal or external dissent either passively or aggressively; and looking toward new theaters once their base is solidified. Al-Qa`ida has subsequently utilized this playbook to expand southward from its Algeria base in five distinct historical periods: from 1992- 1998; 1998-2006; 2006-2012; 2013-2017; and 2017-present. The report concludes that al-Qa`ida and its affiliates in northern and western Africa are likely to continue to use this playbook as they continue their contemporary expansion into West Africa.
Contenir l'insurrection jihadiste dans le Parc W en Afrique de l'Ouest
Des insurgés se sont implantés dans une importante réserve naturelle partagée entre le Bénin, le Burkina Faso et le Niger. Ils représentent un danger croissant pour les écosystèmes locaux et pour les populations qui vivent autour du parc. Les trois pays devraient collaborer plus étroitement afin de contenir cette menace.
Counter-terrorism has to be transborder and address root causes : joint efforts key as jihadist violence spills over into Burkina Faso, Benin and Niger
The spiral of violence in the Sahel is threatening to engulf the biosphere reserve in the cross-border territory shared by Burkina Faso, Benin and Niger. The rising violence is causing massive displacement and all three countries should respond jointly by mobilising and coordinating state armed forces to protect affected populations. But a joint military response is not enough. The three states should also collaborate to address the root causes of the insecurity: the land and pastoralism crisis; inconsistency in the distribution of forest resources; and a poorly integrated approach to managing the biosphere reserve.
L'Afrique de l'Ouest face au risque de contagion jihadiste
Face à la percée jihadiste au Burkina Faso, porte ouverte sur les pays du Golfe de Guinée, ceux-ci craignent des attaques sur leurs territoires. Les Etats de la région devraient améliorer le partage du renseignement, renforcer les contrôles aux frontières et renouer un lien de confiance avec la population.
L'Islam noir : contribution à l'étude des confréries religieuses islamiques en Afrique Occidentale suivie d'une étude sur l'Islam au Dahomey
Les pays côtiers d'Afrique de l'Ouest : nouvelle terre d'expansion des groupes djihadistes sahéliens ?
La situation sécuritaire dans le Sahel central est à ce point dégradée que la menace djihadiste déborde désormais sur la partie nord des pays côtiers d'Afrique de l'Ouest. Les régions de l'Est et des Cascades au Burkina Faso ou celles de Sikasso et de Kayes au Mali constituent des bases arrière permettant aux groupes djihadistes – et principalement à la Jama'at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin (JNIM) pour l'instant – de s'étendre au Bénin, en Côte d'Ivoire, et dans une moindre mesure au Togo, au Ghana, au Sénégal et en Guinée. Cette excroissance territoriale djihadiste va progressivement donner naissance à des foyers djihadistes de plus en plus endogènes dans ces États, composés de recrues locales et qui se nourrissent des fragilités propres aux territoires où ils se développent : tensions d'accès aux ressources, stigmatisation communautaire potentiellement exacerbée par des groupes d'autodéfense, existence de réseaux criminels prompts à se « djihadiser ». La propagation de l'idéologie djihadiste depuis le Sahel central au-delà des frontières sud constitue le moteur permettant d'exploiter et de transformer les frustrations et les injustices qui découlent de ces situations de fragilité. Comme au Sahel central où les autorités ont pris trop tardivement conscience de cette réalité. Pour les pays côtiers d'Afrique de l'Ouest, où la menace reste encore contenue en intensité et limitée géographiquement, il est encore temps de prévenir une dégradation de la situation sécuritaire. Pour cela, les autorités de ces États doivent aligner des réponses civiles et militaires qui soient adaptées à la nature de la menace et qui réduisent de façon radicale l'ampleur de ces fragilités.
North of the countries of the Gulf of Guinea: The new frontier for jihadist groups?
It can be observed that jihadist groups in West Africa are increasingly expanding their areas of activity from the Sahel to the coastal countries along the Gulf of Guinea for some time now. Especially from Burkina Faso, where entire regions are already outside state control, these actors are advancing further and further south.
This current development is the focus of the new study "La nouvelle frontière des groupes djihadistes", which the KAS Regional Programme Political Dialogue West Africa (PDWA) has implemented together with partner Promédiation. One of the study's key topics is the importance of national parks in border regions, which are increasingly used by jihadist groups as strategic retreat and activity areas and whose local resources are used for financing.